Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Teenage Feelings

Life is strange with some twists and turn
But there are some feelings that you want to share
You think that showing feelings is a sign of weakness
You think depression is your only comfort
Cause you think it is only the feeling
That you have ever known
The feelings that you have are intense in nature
Cause it's difficult to handle
You think there's no one not even your parents and peers
Cause your loneliness has become your company
You think that there is something wrong
With the feeling that you have
But the one who has courage they share
Look forward for the good days
You shouldn't quit to anything
Like you haven't learned to quit
Don't let ever start your day
With the broken pieces of yesterday
Climb the stairs, Fight the fear,
Wiping all your tears
But don't ever lose your hope Dear!!!

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